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We have areas for anyone involved in the tower/telecommunications industry - please use the links above to find your area of interest. 
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Are you a land owner?  Do you own a tall building, water tank or other structure?
Are you a Site acquisition agent?  Carrier?  There's something for you here!
Need a collo app?  Need handy links to the FAA or FCC search pages?  Maybe FEMA?  Can't find a link to a jurisdiction or GIS?  Follow the links above!

Another Happy Customer!
Posted on Jun 30th, 2021
I will give you all my work. You honestly do a great job, great team, reliable, and accurate. Please pass along to your team to keep up the good work and it does not go un-noticed.
T-Mobile Real Estate Manager - Columbus
Customer Recommendation
Posted on Mar 21st, 2018

I’ve been working with Derek on non-MLA sites (new builds and expansion of existing sites) for about 6 months now and I can confidently recommend him to you, in case you’re looking for more options than what you currently have. Derek really has his finger on the pulse in this Market and has successfully risen to every challenge we’ve thrown his way. He’s very flexible and on his A-game. He seems to take every project on as a personal goal and isn’t afraid to speak his mind and tell me the truth, if he feels we are going down the wrong path.


For this, I want to recommend CelluSite to you, as a possible soft cost resource.


T-Mobile Real Estate Manager - Indianapolis

A Happy Customer!
Posted on Sep 19th, 2011
This is an email snippet from the week of 8/15/2011.
Can you let Derek know that I LOVE when he sends in a SDP!!!!!!! They are done  better than any other firm and with so much more information than anyone else gives us. So much easier to complete the SDP Autoform and he provides us with a lot of info the others don’t so I don’t have as much to enter later on in the process
Just thought I would pass that along to you and him

Posted on Oct 22nd, 2010


If you were approached by a site acquisition agent to have a cell tower erected on your property, what would you say?

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